Regular Vendor
Apply for a Regular Booth
The event will be held on September 9th from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Starting from 8:30am the vendors can begin unloading their supplies to the booth.
Each booth will have a space of approximately 10 ft x 9 ft. If you need more space please apply for 2 or more booths according to your needs. A table of 8' x 2.5' and two chairs will be provided for each vendor.
The price for a single booth is $400, or $300 for a non-profit organization.
If you would like to get an advertisement spot in the program book please check the Sponsorship package for details. A discounted price is provided to combine a vendor booth with the Ad.
How to Apply
Option #1: Fill out the following form and submit.
Option #2: Download and fill out the sponsorship form and email to:
Please make the check payable to "AAAB" and mail to:
130 Lincoln Street, Boston, MA 02111
- 4568 reads